Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

The Lassen County Office of Education is the Technical Assistance Provider for the Tobacco Use Prevention Program (TUPE), which is funded through the California Department of Education. The program's goal is to provide education, resources, and support for all Districts and Schools in Lassen County.
The Lassen County Office of Education also serves as the TUPE Tier 1 Cohort grant for all districts in the county to conduct the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) each fall. After the results are received, the County Coordinator works with districts to establish a strategy to address one or more of the areas of need identified in the CHKS. Part of the Cohort grants compliance with Tobacco Free Schools policies, the California Education Code, and Public Health Codes. Assistance is provided to all Districts to ensure the education of students, staff, families, and the community about these policies.

Let's Put Down the vape together
Let's Put Down the vape together
Let's Put Down the vape together
We know quitting isn't easy, and some youth may already feel trapped by addition- but help is available! The FDA offers a Quit Builder Tool that helps teens create personalised quit plans, along with quizzes and surveys to better understand vaping additction. Let's start your journey toward a healthier future today!
Be 100% You Tobacco Free!
Be 100% You Tobacco Free!
Be 100% You Tobacco Free!
The Kick It! The campaign is designed to educate students, staff, families, and the community about the importance of Kicking Tobacco Out Of Our Lives and Community.
Through the Kick It! California website students, staff, families, and community members can receive support to quit smoking and vaping!
It's Dandy to play tobacco free!
The Play Tobacco Free Campaign is designed to be 100% Free of Tobacco for those playing sports. The use of cigarettes, vaping devices, chewing, and other tobacco products puts the health and performance of the athlete at risk of not only playing their best but also allowing their respiratory system to function correctly. Athletes need to breathe clearly, which helps them think clearly and do their best.
Vape-Free Schools Initiative: American Lung Association
Vape-Free Schools Initiative: American Lung Association
Youth vaping is a growing epidemic, with one in four teens reporting they've vaped and over 5.4 million middle and high school students using e-cigarettes as of 2019. To address this public health crisis, the American Lung Association's Vape-Free Schools Initiative offers schools critical tools to protect and support their students.
Schools participating in this initiative lead the way in combating vaping by providing guidance, education, and cessation support for students affected by e-cigarette use. As part of the initiative, schools gain access to a robust toolkit of resources to share with students, parents, staff, and the community, fostering a healthier, vape-free environment.
Learn more about how your school can join this important effort and make a lasting impact.